Sunday, May 22, 2011


So we almost came home.... We had plans to leave on Tuesday and start heading home but I think we are going to give it another shot...
What happened was the VP of Sales was planning on letting us go (The owner didn't even know this. And the person who recruited Tyson.) but we learned it from someone else. Tyson text the guy to see when he would be in the office so that they could talk about it but this guy didn't want to do that. Long story short the VP of Sales told Tyson he had no value to the company so we were ready to leave... Come on, who wants to work for someone who doesn't even respect you or care enough to talk to your face about an issue...
Tyson called the owner to Thank him for the opportunity and he had no idea why we were leaving. Soon to find out it is because of his VP of Sales... Word around the office is nobody likes the guy either it's not just us now.. We even had no idea this was coming and we rarely even talk to the guy unless it is for business.
Well on our way home (back to the apartment in Marietta) from Washington DC we got talked into staying for a little bit longer... So we are seeing where this is headed...
We are both bummed because we were excited to go back home. But Now its back to work. But if something doesn't happen with this guy we might just be headed home because we will not work for someone who is disrespectful and dishonest.. YES there is a TON of Drama here and it gets very annoying...

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